Well, there goes my potential career as an Australian porn star

Australia outlaws porn involving small-breasted women:

“Australian Classification Board (ACB) is now banning depictions of small-breasted women in adult publications and films. They banned mainstream pornography from showing women with A-cup breasts, apparently on the grounds that they encourage paedophilia, and in spite of the fact this is a normal breast size for many adult women.

I assure you, Australia, these are grown-up boobies.

9 Responses

  1. OMG that is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard of…….

  2. Ok, it’s a tough job, but someone has to ask: Why does this silly ruling rule out your pursuing a career as a professional porn-person down under?

    • Are you really going to make me spell this out for you? OK, here it goes. Lovely I may be, but I make Kate Moss look voluptuous. I never outgrew my training bras. I was jealous of Posh Spice’s breasts before she got implants. If I’m entering a wet T-shirt contest, I’d better hope the judges are ass-men. There is no standard by which I could be said to, under any circumstances, show too much cleavage. I have never had a problem with men not looking me in the eyes when they talk to me. No one will ever, ever question whether or not they’re real.

      They are still, however, spectacular.

  3. Lyssa,

    Your self described assessment of your breast size and your writings support the hypothesis of an inverse correlation between breast size and intellect. There are perhaps some exceptions…

    Nice blog.

    Best wishes from an admirer of clear thinking and a fellow foodie!


  4. Lyssa: I saw your link on Althouse re: tiny boobs. As a double A cup myself, I simply had to follow your link! My bras pass what I call “the fist test”, that is, I can ball them up completely into my fist – ALL of it.

    I must relate to you my story of my near melt-down while shopping for bras. Over the years, its been tougher and tougher to find the plain, simple stretchy bras that I wear – a yard or so of knit fabric. I wear bras more as a public service than to hold anything up. I hate padded bras as I tend to run hot and the extra padding makes it worse. Plus, I can’t even fill THOSE in! Additionally, what fucking purpose does underwire serve for a woman like me?

    So I’m combing through the lingerie section of the old Bon Marche in Seattle (now Macy’s). There must be a few thousand square feet of bras – each and every one padded for push up, and with underwires to boot. I’m old enough to remember the 70’s women’s movement and bra burning – so how did we get to thousands of square feet of padded push up bras? How did this get to be the norm?

    After an hour of fruitless searching, the thought pops into my head: “What do young girls who need training bras do?” AHA – that’s it…I’ll try the little girls section!!!!! I’m a pretty petite person, so maybe I’ll get lucky there.

    So I go to the young girl’s section. Only to find, to my utter shock and amazement: A. Small. Section. Of. Tiny. Padded. Bras. Each. With. Underwires.

    It was a stunning, surreal moment. I felt my blood boil. I felt a public meltdown coming on. I grabbed the nearest women and said to her: “DO YOU SEE THIS? DO YOU SEE THESE BRAS FOR LITTLE GIRLS? WHY ARE THEY PADDED PUSH UP BRAS???? WHY THE FUCK DO THEY HAVE UNDERWIRES??????” I found the saleswoman and repeated my rant. Luckily, I got a hold of myself before they called security!

    My blood pressure is up merely typing this story! GAH!

    Needless to say, I am always on the hunt for bras that pass my “fist test”. When I find them, I buy as many as I can.

    Sincerely – Double A Cup April

    • April, that is absolutely hilarious! I have never gone that far, but I certainly understand! Thank you so much for sharing!

      (And stop by that Althouse post again and defend me; I’m getting pummeled by Palladian and Trooper York.)

  5. I miss that debate on Althouse … I like all boobs on women … and, I am willing to look past tiny boobs if there is a nice ass!

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