Yeah, that’s about right.

“Tiffany, liberal policies are about intentions, they’re about making you feel good, not about making sense. You really have a lot of growing up to do.”

Brilliant.  HT: The Other McCain

“Edit his Saul Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals book to include a rule that you should talk like a pirate.”

IMAO’s top jokes to play on the president while he’s on vacation.  (HT: Cynthia Yockey)

I also loved:

Don’t let him in the White House when he gets back telling him we found his Kenyan birth certificate which made McCain president who was so shocked that he immediately had a heart attack… so guess who’s president now!

Some pretty good suggestions in the comments as well.

On the plus side, it smelled delightfully like french fries*

Spotted these guys around Knoxville. 

Photo_102308_002 (2)

In case you can’t read it, the sign in the window says “Green Jobs Now!”

Photo_102308_001 (2) 

As in, “We want somebody else to give us Green Jobs, Now. (No, we aren’t offering anything in return, why do you ask?)”

 * The vegatable oil powered bus smelled like french fries.  I didn’t get too close to the passengers, but I’m gonna guess they smelled significantly less pleasant.

Keep Being Awesome!

From Passive Aggressive, where I go when I just can’t study anymore:

soyfuckers anonymous

P.S. Don’t you just love the idea of “vegan-curious”?

So, did we always have a Health and Human Services “faith based” Position?

or is this something new? 

President Barack Obama has tapped an anti-abortion activist to a senior Health and Human Services “faith-based” position just a week after the murder of prominent abortion doctor George Tiller.

Alexia Kelley is executive director of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG), and will head the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the Department of Health and Human Services.

According to The American Prospect, a liberal magazine, “Kelley is a leading proponent of ‘common ground’ abortion reduction — only CACG’s common ground is at odds with that of Obama. While the administration favors reducing the need for abortion by reducing unintended pregnancies, Kelley has made clear that she seeks instead to reduce access to abortion.”

Kelley’s appointment appears yet more salient in lieu of the fact that President Obama has expanded the faith-based project of the executive branch to include public policy — with an eye toward reducing the need for abortions.

But a Prospect blogger, Sarah Posner, points out that opposition to the nomination can be found simply in an argument that “reproductive health is a public health, not a religious issue.”

Now, please don’t get me wrong; I consider abortion to be an abomination, and I approve of legal protections for the unborn.  I’m also not one of those sorts who expect people to check their religion at the doors- I understand that there is no specific call for the “separation of church and state” in the Constitution.  That said, I’m a big fan of the Establishment Clause, and the idea of a specific faith based position kind of freaks me out. 

*** BTW, don’t miss reading the comments, which lament the fact that we couldn’t have given the presidency to such fine candidates as Cynthia McKinney or Dennis Kucinich, rather than the horrible Barry O.  It’s pretty darn hysterical.

A cartoon you won’t see with regards to the Sotomayor appointment

From Southern Appeal, by way of Instapundit:


Sotomayor’s confirmation will, after all, make for the sixth Catholic on the court.  I’m Catholic myself, and I’m of two minds of this: first, I’m not sure how Catholicism really influences one’s judicial/political/legal leanings- Catholics do not, for example, fall neatly into one or the other political category.  However, it is notable that, until Sotomayor, the 5 most “conservative” were also Catholic.  Again, I have no real explanation for this. 

Of course, if we’re going to complain about over- and under-representation of all other sorts on the Court, I think that Protestants, who make up almost 51% of the American population, but only one-ninth of the Court (assuming Sotomayor replaces Souter), ought to have room to complain, too.

Can I get an “Amen?!”

A prayer by Jules Crittenden:

A Reverse Souter, I Entreat Thee

O Dark Gods of Politics, Thou who Dwell under Rocks, please visit upon them that which Thou so cruelly visited upon Bush the Elder, when he who was called Sununu pronounced the appointment of a stay-at-home momma’s boy sheep farmer a “home run,” and Thou made of him a Flaming Lib. 

I know this is asking a lot, O Vile Lords of Contrariness, Stupidity, Corruption, Vice, Narrow Self-Interest and Betrayal, Wretched be Thy Names, for Thou hath ordained of late that door shall swing mainly in the other direction. Find for him, Thy Annointed Won, a lefty handwringer who legislates most stridently from the bench, a champion of absurdity, let us see this scoundrel exalted, and then dispatch the Winged Monkey of Thy Perversity to throw his Righteous Wrench into those works!

This is my earnest prayer, O Frightful Ones, who have so capriciously visited wide stances, no WMD, and the likes of Specter and Powell upon us, lo, these many years!  


I have to give him credit for this one

This came in my Patriot Post humor newsletter: